Our CFO, Nick Townsend, explains more about the incredible Georgia HEART Hospital Program. For those who are not familiar with this program, it allows any person who pays Georgia income taxes to allocate their income tax dollars to a qualified rural hospital instead of to the state of Georgia. This is money you have to pay regardless, but it allows you to choose who receives the tax dollars. Union General Hospital is fortunate to be able to participate in this program. The impact you have is remarkable and it will benefit our hospital greatly. You can donate from anywhere in the state of Georgia and you will receive a 100% GA income tax credit. The application takes less than a minute to complete and Georgia HEART will handle the rest of the process for you! For more information, please contact Lindsey Townsend by phone at (706) 896-7196 or by email at lindseytownsend@uniongeneral.org.
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month!
Did you know smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. Smoking is responsible for about 80–90% of lung cancer deaths in the United States. Tobacco smoke contains many chemicals that are known to cause lung cancer. But quitting can truly transform your life. Say...