Union General Hospital and Chatuge Regional Hospital determine its standard charges for patient services with the use of a chargemaster or similar system, which is a list of charges for the components of patient care that go into every patient’s bill, as incurred. The chargemaster is the starting price of each service performed and goods consumed associated with the individual patient’s treatment. The chargemaster rates are updated from time to time to accurately reflect the hospital’s expenses to operate. Standard charges for Union General Hospital or Chatuge Regional Hospital are shown in the below-attached files and do not necessarily reflect what a patient may pay.
Government insurance plans such as Medicare and Medicaid do not pay the chargemaster rates, but rather have their own set rates which hospitals are obligated to accept. Commercial insurance payments are based on contract negotiations with managed care payors whose approximate rates are displayed in the respective columns. Patients without commercial insurance or not covered by a government health care plan should contact the hospital prior to a procedure to discuss charges, alternative pricing, and payment terms.
Union General Health System has provided the availability of a patient facing estimator tool for easy insight into pricing for some of the most common shoppable services that the organization has to offer.
Click Here For The Patient Facing Estimator Tool. This tool is not intended to provide pricing for all services, but rather those services that are deemed routine or that can be scheduled in advance. For pricing questions regarding services not available via the patient facing estimator, please contact our financial counselors via the information below:
Union General Hospital and Chatuge Regional Hospital
Central Billing Office
35 Hospital Road
Blairsville, GA 30512

“Through UnitedHealthcare, UMR creates and publishes the Machine-Readable Files on behalf of Union General Health System.
To link to the Machine-Readable Files, please click on the URL provided: transparency-in-coverage.uhc.com”
The information provided is a listing of gross charges from the hospital’s chargemaster only and is not a guarantee of final billed charges or patient responsibility. As mentioned above, charges are based on hospital operational expenses and is not a guarantee of what you will be charged. Please understand that in many cases it is impossible to predict the final charges that will result, as there are variables involved in your actual services such as the length of time spent in surgery or recovery, specific equipment, supplies and medications required, additional tests required by your physician, and/or any unusual special care or unexpected conditions or complications. If you are receiving medications, the billed amount is derived from the existing average wholesale price and is subject to change based on the duration of time between estimate calculation and service date. This price listing does not include any physician charges (e.g. office visit, surgeon, anesthesiologist, emergency room physician, radiologist, pathologist, consulting physicians, etc.) If you have insurance, your benefits will ultimately determine the amount you owe (including deductibles, co-pay, co-insurance, and out of pocket maximums).