Mission Statement: To provide high quality, cost effective healthcare and promote wellness throughout our community.
You may reach Medical Records directly by dialing (706) 439-6477.
Services: Medical records provides services to outpatients and inpatients, such as: copies of medical records, registering of live births, insurance requests, and coding of diagnoses.
How to Request Copies of Medical Records/X-Rays
Medical records at Union General Hospital can be requested in-person at the medical records desk by completing a form with signature or via the contact us banner located on the right side of this page. Our office is located to the right side of Union General Hospital in Building 13. Please ensure you have a photo identification card or driver’s license when picking up your medical records. Medical Records will process your request while you wait or you may pick them up at a later time.
The Medical Records Department is staffed with both full time and part time employees. The staff consists of both Certified Professional Coders (CPC) and Registered Health Information Technicians (RHIT).
Please contact us today if there’s anything one of our knowledgeable staff members can assist you with.