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Georgia Hospital Association recognizes Union General Health System staff

November 16, 2020


The Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) presented Union General Health System a banner recognizing their Hospital Heroes. Union General Health System owns and operates 20 facilities within the Tri-State area. The banner celebrates and thanks their employees for their selfless and unwavering support of Georgia’s patients, especially during the trying times of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Georgia Hospital Association is proud to represent more than 160 hospitals and health systems across the state. Its purpose is to promote the health and welfare of the public through the development of better hospital care for all of Georgia’s citizens. GHA members are committed to improving institutional health care services and, in turn, patient care. The association provides information and education on issues ranging from access to health care and clinical care updates, to effective hospital management and compliance with high-level accreditation standards. From its headquarters near Atlanta, GHA represents its members to Congress and the General Assembly and before federal and state regulatory agencies. GHA is an allied member of the American Hospital Association. To learn more, visit

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