At the Union County Dialysis Center it is our mission to provide quality renal care to our patients and community. Our facility offers hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis as well as the latest technology in dialysis care. Call us at 706-835-1925 to learn more!
- The Dialysis Clinic is a 17-chair facility offering hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. *Peritoneal dialysis is performed in the comfort of the patient’s home. Patients must schedule an appointment with the peritoneal dialysis nurse two times per month.
- Dr. Sorin Vainer, MD, makes rounds and sees pre-dialysis patients on Wednesday’s at the Union County Dialysis Center. *Pre-dialysis patients must contact Vainer & Vainer Nephrology in Atlanta at (404-255-4347) to schedule appointment times at the Union County Dialysis Center.
The Dialysis Clinic is staffed with Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, a Licensed Social Worker, Registered Dietician, Hemodialysis Technician, Patient Care Assistant, Secretary, and a Housekeeper.
Additional Patient Information
Certain conditions of renal disease and dialysis create specific requirements for patients during disaster situations. Please click on the links below and review in case of disaster emergencies. The links will assist patients in preparing for any type of disaster that might require a change in dialysis care, diet, food supply and storage, as well as listing emergency response phone numbers and additional dialysis centers.
Contact Information